Historic roots and rural charm in an urban setting …
Welcome to Montgomery Place … our Saskatoon neighbourhood.

Since 1946 when veterans returning from the Second World War and later the Korean War settled here with their families, Montgomery Place has flourished. Watching children, trees and gardens grow, over the years Montgomery veterans transformed a plot of native prairie into homes, several parks, two schools and one neighbourhood church. It’s the kind of community where grown children come home to raise their own kids.
Street markers pay homage to battle sites, armed forces personnel, a bomber and a destroyer of the Second World War – all which lent their names to Montgomery Place streets and parks.
Home to the famed Montgomery Garage Sale on the first Saturday each May and an outdoor community Remembrance Service on November 11 every year, many residents volunteer to strengthen and sustain our unique neighbourhood. Parks and a paddling pool offer summer fun and a variety of sports opportunities. A haunt for gardeners, many Montgomery Place yards are regulars on city-wide garden tours. A toboggan hill in Montgomery Park and skating rinks offer plenty of opportunities for winter fun.
In 1989 a Memorial Cairn was built in Montgomery Park to recognize this unique community and to honour the contributions of Montgomery Place residents to the war. In 2013 a Veterans Monument was added with names of veterans who built or bought in Montgomery Place between 1946 and 1977 under the Veterans Land Act (VLA) soldier settlement program. In 2016 Montgomery Place was designated a National Historic Site by the Historic Sites and Monument Board of Canada and Parks Canada. The designation recognizes the special history and unique community memory of our neighbourhood. In 2020 the Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee and the City of Saskatoon awarded the Montgomery Place Community Association a Municipal Heritage Award in the Education category at the Honour level. The judges commented on the impressive commitment by the community to ensure the history of their neighbourhood is not lost. Since 1946, remembrance has been woven into the fabric of Montgomery Place.
Check out our website to learn more about Montgomery Place.