“With the last changes, the bus service got so long that I can no longer take the bus to work,” summed up the feelings of many Montgomery Place residents.
More changes start on July 2, 2017.
Cory Shrigley, Customer Support and Engagement Manager for City Transit, spoke to Montgomery Place residents about upcoming route changes in Montgomery Place.
Residents’ comments about the present service included:
- Need more stops, better routes, bus shelters in Montgomery Place; some riders face very long walks to the bus stop.
- 11th Street at Crescent Boulevard needs a better bus stop; crossing 11th Street is dangerous.
- The stop at the Shell Station at Dawes Avenue means Montgomery Place residents face up to a 1 km walk home.
- Stagger the #9 and #22 routes instead of sending them through Montgomery Place at roughly the same time to shorten waits; why do #9 and #22 not follow the same route through MP?
- #22 from Mountbatten is almost full by the time it reaches downtown.
- More bus stops are needed in Montgomery Place; emerging on dark and cold winter nights and facing a long walk from the bus stop home is daunting.
- Many drivers on the #9 route don’t seem to know that the route takes them through Montgomery Place.
- #9 route goes through Montgomery Place only once an hour.
- When changes are made, will #22 still go straight downtown? Yes.
- Montgomery Place buses are not making good connections at the Confederation terminal; plan better.
- Getting to the University of Saskatchewan used to be good; not any more.
- Trains can be an issue with timing, but generally buses are on time.
- Generally drivers are courteous, positive, professional; some speed.
- City alerts are helpful; the Transit App is helpful although route advice online doesn’t always present the best options.
Shrigley reported that the Bus Rapid Transit on high frequency routes would be extended this summer to include 22nd Street. Confederation Mall and Blairmore will be hubs. Routes 2 and 10 will run every 15 minutes. He said that new 30 foot buses are on order for smaller neighbourhood routes. There is a Safe Bus program, a Travel Trainer program, a Class Pass pilot program for school classes travelling between 9 am and 3 pm, and a new booklet in development for seniors and newcomers to explain bus routes in a more user-friendly way. When asked “Will the buses to Blairmore high schools remain the same in September?” Shrigley replied “Expect changes.”
Visit saskatoontransit.ca or call 306-975-3100. Cory Shrigely will return to the June 13 MPCA meeting to explain the changes on July 2, 2017. At present, changes are still being planned.