The Montgomery Place Community Association (MPCA) met on February 6 for its regular meeting. Discussion at the meeting included:

Montgomery Park Rink – The Rec Building will be open 1-4 pm on weekends, unless it is colder than -25ºc. One of the recently-erected signs on the pond fence was vandalized.

Family Fun – The event on February 25 was fun for all. Thanks to all residents who came out to take in the fun and fellowship.

Dogs Off-Leash – We have heard of two recent incidents with off-leash dogs. On January 19, a dog running off- leash scared children playing at the hill in Montgomery Park. On February 2, an off-leash dog jumped against a person then bounded to the front door, forcing it open, then attacked the homeowner’s dog inside. This occurred directly across from Lt. Col. D. Walker Park. Families in that area should beware of a large black dog named Roxy. Dog Owners – There are NO off-leash areas in Montgomery Place – not in the parks, not down the alleys, not on the streets. MP residents – when you see violations, call Animal Control at 306-384-7297. Please report all incidents.

MPCA Facebook – Check the MPCA Facebook for community news, and join our Facebook group to post or find out about the latest lost and found items or pets in Montgomery Place. The post that sparked the most discussion recently was dogs running at-large.

St. Barbe Baker Forest – A meeting was held to discuss the forest south of Chappell Yards on February 1. The future of the forest, which was initially part of the City’s Southwest Sector Plan, has been incorporated into the Blairmore Sector Plan. The meeting was attended by groups that included Ducks Unlimited, Meewasin Valley Authority, Cedar Villa, the RM of Corman Park and the MPCA. Trespassing is a concern for many stakeholders. Thank you to Trish Schmidt who attended on our behalf. Councillor Gough reported that the goal of the meeting was to assign a value to the forest. A summary of the meeting is yet to be posted.

Local Area Planning (LAP) – Planners for the Montgomery Place LAP are Mark Emmons and Keith Folkersen who will draft the Montgomery Place LAP document.
Contact Mark at 306-975-3464 or Keith can be reached at or 306-986-1690. Click here to see their report.

Some Things Never Change – Trains continue to delay our travels. Traffic on Circle Drive and the Bypass, the elevator, Chappell Yards and the Intermodal Terminal – all drown our neighbourhood in noise. Speeding on our narrow streets remains a concern, especially in winter. Irresponsible dog and cat owners who don’t pick up after their pets, or allow them to run at large, continue to rankle.

City of Saskatoon – Chelsie Schaffer reported that the City is engaged in many initiatives including the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) plan and curbside trash improvements. See “We’re Talking Trash Saskatoon” at to sign up for email updates.

City Councillor Hilary Gough – Councillor Gough is excited to offer us opportunities to engage in Saskatoon’s future directions. Visit to share your opinions.

Montgomery School – The Montgomery track team won three medals at the PR track meet at the Field House in January. No school March 12 and 30.

St. Dominic School – The January water damage should be repaired before the end of March. No school on March 12 and 23. Three-way conferences are March 22-23.

Next MPCA Meeting – Tues. March 6, 7 pm in Montgomery School. All residents welcome.