The Montgomery Place Community Association (MPCA) met on January 9 for its regular meeting. Discussion at the January meeting included:

Montgomery Park Rink Hours – The Rec Building will be open 1-4 pm on weekends, unless the temperature is lower than -25ºc.

Family Fun – Join your family, friends and neighbours on Sunday February 25, 2-4 pm in Montgomery Park for an afternoon of outdoor fun! The Rec Building will be open to warm up and enjoy free cookies and hot chocolate. Bring your own equipment to skate, play hockey, slide, ski or snowshoe!

Newsletter Delivery – Canada Post continues to deliver the MPCA newsletter. Extra copies are left at both schools for those residents who did not receive a copy.

Indoor Programs – Registration Night for winter programs was held on January 10. Only one class was cancelled due to low registration.

Soccer Coordinator – Despite putting in a great effort to find a Soccer Coordinator, the MPCA was unsuccessful. We were unable to find someone to take on this role. No outdoor soccer this spring.

MPCA Facebook – Check the MPCA Facebook for community news, and join our Facebook group to post or find out about the latest lost and found items or pets in Montgomery Place.

Dogs, Cats and Crap – Our January 5 Facebook post regarding dog and cat owners who don’t pick up after their animals generated discussion. Residents are frustrated by those people who refuse to clean up after their animals. A discussion followed about the possibility of adding stations for free bags in all Montgomery parks, but the feeling was that people who don’t accept responsibility would not use the bags anyway. Report infractions to Animal Control at 306-384-7297. Fines increase with offenses, beginning at $100 and going up to $300.

St. Barbe Baker Forest – The forest south of Chappell Yards was planted in 1972, with high hopes for a greenspace that would enhance the lives of city folks. In 2013 the City divided the property into three blocks; the centre block was allocated as an off-leash dog park. Today, dogs run and defecate in all three blocks, with some owners refusing to pick up, despite the bags that are provided. It seems a sad fate for a forest planted with such hope for a tranquil urban refuge.

Local Area Planning (LAP) – Congratulations to LAP planner Melissa Austin who began a maternity leave in January. New planners for the Montgomery Place LAP are Mark Emmons and Keith Folkersen who will draft the Montgomery Place LAP document. Contact Mark at or 306-975-3464. Keith can be reached at or 306-986-1690.

City of Saskatoon – Thank you to the City for the rink improvements bursary ($500) and the youth grant for the fall art program ($250).

Montgomery School –No school February 19-23. Welcome to Tim Hamilton, the new Montgomery School rep joining the MPCA.

St. Dominic School – No school February 19-23.  See details of the New Year’s Day flood damage.

Next Meeting – The next meeting of the Montgomery Place Community Association is Tuesday, February 6, 2018 – 7 pm in Montgomery School Library. All residents are welcome.