Discussion at the MPCA meeting on May 9, 2017 included:

MPCA Facebook – Our Facebook page now has over 700 likes, with 70 added during the week leading up to the Garage Sale. The Events page had over 14,000 views as people searched for information on the Sale. Over 4100 people indicated they’d be going, or were interested in going. Thanks to MPCA volunteer Katie Rosen for managing our Facebook and website.

History Walk – MPCA president Barb Biddle is leading a walk around the community for students from Mount Royal Collegiate on June 22.

Montgomery Park Paddling Pool – The paddling pool opens this year on July 4 and closes August 25. Hours from Monday to Thursday are 10:30 am to 6 pm. Friday hours are 12 noon to 4:30 pm. Saturday and Sunday weekends from July 8 to August 20 (including August 7), the hours are 12 noon to 5 pm.

Road Work – Councillor Hilary Gough reports that road reconstruction this summer includes Rockingham Avenue from Ortona Street to Caen Street and Dieppe Street from Elevator Road to Crerar Drive. Street sweeping is scheduled for June 7.

Transit Changes – Changes are anticipated to bus routes on the City’s west side.  Cory Shrigley from Saskatoon Transit will join the MPCA meeting on June 13 to explain changes that will begin on July 2, 2017.

Montgomery Park – One more name was added to the monument of veterans on May 23. At the MPCA meeting in May, the placement of the National Historic Site marker was contemplated, with the recommendation that the sign should go to the right of the cairn to balance the Field Marshall Montgomery sign at the left. There will be some work on the rink this summer. Thanks to Wendy and Katie Rosen for the red and white geraniums at the cairn honouring Canada 150.

Vimy Oak – Sincere thanks to Lynn and Rod Brick, former Montgomery Place residents, for their gift of a Vimy Ridge oak sapling planted in Montgomery Park. Saskatoon Urban Forestry staff advise that the oak is unlikely to thrive in our climate, but we’ll give it a try.

St. Barbe Baker Forest – The Saskatoon Nature Society will lead a walk through the St. Barbe Baker Forest on June 14 from 7-9 pm. Meet in the Dog Park parking lot at 7 pm.

Civic Operations Centre – The public Grand Opening of the COC on Valley Road is June 4, 2017 from noon to 5 pm, during the Doors Open Saskatoon event.

Community Watch – Stolen bikes and an increase in graffiti seem to come with Spring. Check the MPCA Facebook for lost and found items.

Indoor Programs – Summer fitness and yoga classes are scheduled in Montgomery Park. Fitness will be from 5:45-6:30 pm followed by Yoga at 6:45-7:45 pm every Tuesday from June 6 to August 15. Registration is $50 for 11 weeks; $8/class for drop-ins. Contact Candace at keepingupwiththejoneses@sasktel.net

Community Consultant – Dispose of hazardous household materials safely.  Call 306-975-2486 or visit saskatoon.ca/WasteWizard or SaskWasteReduction.ca
A temporary site is set-up at SaskTel Centre parking lot (101 – 3515 Thatcher Avenue), 9 am to 3:30 pm, July 15 and August 19. For more information, visit Saskatoon.ca/hazardouswaste.

Montgomery School – The Grade 8 Farewell is June 28. June 29 is the last day of school.

St. Dominic School – The Kindergarten Farewell and the Grade 8 Farewell are June 27.  The last day of school is June 28.

Next MPCA Meeting – Tuesday, June 13, 7 pm in the Montgomery School Library.