The Montgomery Place Community Association (MPCA) met on October 3 for its regular meeting, followed by the Annual Meeting.
Remembrance Service in Montgomery Park – Please join friends and neighbours at the annual Remembrance Service at the cairn in Montgomery Park at 10:45 am on Saturday, November 11. The outdoor service will be followed by refreshments in the lower hall of St. David’s Trinity church.
National Historic Site – Although the plaque was unveiled in September, it has not yet been installed. Installation may be this fall or next spring.
Local Area Planning (LAP) – A Montgomery Place LAP come-and-go was October 5, updating residents on the Noise Study and the Land Use Survey. See for a full report from LAP planner Melissa Austin, as well as
MPCA Facebook – Join our Facebook group to post or find out about the latest lost and found items, or pets in Montgomery Place.
Indoor Programs – Fall registration was chaotic with many, many latecomers and others hoping to register early. New rules will stop this. The MPCA is looking for a Soccer Coordinator. If we cannot find a coordinator, we will be unable to offer soccer in the spring. We also need an Indoor Programs Coordinator to work with Karen Humphreys. Thank you to Candace Jones for her two-year term with Karen. Contact the Community Association to help.
Little Free Library – Thanks to Janie and Fred Hettinga for hosting the Little Free Library on Lancaster Boulevard at the corner of Caen Street. The Library will be open through to the new year. Our neighbourhood flourishes when people like Janie and Fred volunteer for projects like this.
Community Rink in Montgomery Park – Community Consultant Elan Ballantyne reported that problems with ice build-up on the roof of the Rec Building will be solved this season. Jim McAllister’s request for more garbage cans has been forwarded to the appropriate department.
Community Watch – A police report was filed on September 29 when three 11-year-olds were improperly approached by people in a white van on Elevator Road.
Viterra Elevator – Wondering about the crane at the elevator? Viterra is installing a new dust remediation system (fans and tanks). The new system should be up-and-running by the end of October, replacing outdated 30-year old technology.
Trains – Long trains are delaying trips in and out of Montgomery Place at inopportune times. Shunting noises at Viterra and Chappell Yards seem more frequent lately.
Community Consultant – We say thank you and farewell to Elan Ballantyne and welcome our new Consultant – Chelsie Schafer. The Highway 7 Compost closes November 12.
Montgomery School – No school November 9-13. We hope that a rep from the Montgomery School Parent Association will join us soon.
St. Dominic School – A Remembrance Liturgy will be held on November 7 at 11 am. No school November 9-13. A request to move the School Zone signs on Mountbatten Street will be forwarded by Elan to the appropriate City department.
Next Meeting – The next meeting of the Montgomery Place Community Association is Tuesday, November 7, 7 pm in Montgomery School. All residents are welcome.