Discussion at the MPCA meeting on September 5, 2017 included:

National Historic Site – Parks Canada and the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of
Canada unveiled the plaque celebrating Montgomery Place as a National Historic Site on September 17 in Montgomery Park. It’s official! We live in a National Historic Site.

MPCA Annual Meeting – Join us October 3, 7:30 pm, Montgomery School auditorium.

Local Area Planning (LAP) – A Montgomery Place LAP Open House (come and go) is scheduled for Thurs. October 5, 2017 from 6:30-8:30 pm in the Library of St. Dominic School. The Open House will provide an update on the Noise Study, Land Use Survey, and LAP.

MPCA Facebook – The August 28 post of the demolition of one of the original 1946 homes had almost 7500 views and more than 80 comments, with many nostalgic remarks about the Sedgwick family and their garden.

Indoor Programs – Indoor program registration was busy this fall. Spanish for travel was again extremely popular; a second class was added that also filled up. For the first time, the Red Cross Stay Safe course was offered. All 15 spots filled quickly. Two Zumba classes were cancelled due to low enrolment. MPCA is looking for a soccer coordinator. If we cannot find a coordinator, we will be unable to offer soccer in the spring. Contact the Community Association if you can help.

Community Rink in Montgomery Park – MPCA Vice President Jim McAllister reported that the rink boards and Rec Building had suffered graffiti again. It has been reported and removed. A snow guard on the roof of the Rec Building over the door will not be installed by the City so Jim has asked the City to plow the path to the rink regularly to lessen the build-up of ice and snow. Jim will attempt to stop the leaking from under the rink boards before flooding this fall. The contractor will seal cracks in the asphalt surface of the rink. Jim has requested that two more garbage cans be installed by the City – one in the parking lot on Caen Street and one by the rink gate.

Community Watch – Join our Facebook group to post or find out about the latest lost and found items, or pets in Montgomery Place.

11th Street West from McNaughton to Highway 7 – Councillor Gough was asked why the resurfacing, such as it was, was done. Since safety was an issue, the comment was offered that lowering the speed limit from 80 kph to 60 kph would have accomplished the same results.

Community Consultant – Elan Ballantyne clarified the bylaw stating that dogs cannot be in playgrounds, paddling pools or spray parks. The City had no plans to post signs since the task would be onerous given all the parks and pools in Saskatoon. With recent graffiti on the Rec Building and rink boards, we were reminded of Record-Report-Remove.

Montgomery School – Welcome new Principal Nilima Douglas and Vice-Principal Callie Wiebe. Thank you to Thane Shirley for his years representing Montgomery School at the MPCA. We look forward to meeting Thane’s replacement.

St. Dominic School – Welcome to new Vice-Principal Genevieve Prevost.

Next Meeting – The next meeting of the Montgomery Place Community Association is Tues. October 3, 7 pm in Montgomery School, followed by the MPCA Annual Meeting at 7:30 pm in the school auditorium. Share your opinion, vote in elections for the Association executive (President, Vice-President, Membership Director, Communications Directors, Indoor Program Coordinators), and cast your vote on expenditures for a speed board for the community.
See www.montgomeryplace.ca/mpca-executive-positions for position descriptions.