Advertising in the Montgomery Place Community Newsletter
The ad spaces in our newsletter are 2.5” wide by 1.6” high for $25/issue*. We require that all ads be prepaid and submitted by the 1st of the month.
Contact Katie at newsletter@montgomeryplace.ca for more info.
*Ad space is limited and preference will be given to Montgomery Place residents.
*Ads that require reformatting may be subject to an additional charge.
Community Garage Sale
The Montgomery Place Garage Sale is not a Community Association event; but rather a weekend when the majority of Montgomery Place residents have their garage sales.
For more info visit: www.montgomeryplace.ca/community-garage-sale
Online Advertising
The MPCA Website & Facebook page are run by volunteers, and are for news, events, and information about our community. Our Social Media Policy does not allow free business or personal advertising on MPCA social media. We only post ads for events/sales run by community groups like Scouts/Girl Guides, the schools, and church.

MPCA Facebook Groups
Join this group for the most up to date information about our Community Classes.
Montgomery Place Community Events
Join this group for info about events relevant to residents in our community.
Montgomery Place Community Watch
Join this group to help keep our community safe by staying informed about any suspicious activity in our neighbourhood, and if you experience or see any suspicious activity, you can post it directly in the group to share it immediately with other residents.
Montgomery Place Saskatoon Residents Past & Present
This is a social group for past and present residents of Montgomery Place. Reconnect and reminisce with old friends, or find new friends who love this community as much as you do!
Montgomery Place Saskatoon Lost and Found
Have a lost or found pet or item? Join this group to post about it, so it can be shared
immediately with other residents, and help to reunite it with the owner!