Drainage – Saskatoon Water staff Angela Schmidt and Zak McKay addressed Montgomery residents on several drainage topics at the CA meeting on June 4. The survey of ditches and culverts last summer revealed that one in four driveways do not have culverts. Existing culverts were rated A for faultless, B for good or about ¼ full of debris, C for about half full of debris and D for poor. 20% of culverts scored A. Another 20% scored B. A full 60% were not good, scoring C, D or were missing altogether. Residents saw a map of drainage issues, showing the locations of good and bad culverts and ditches. An elevation map will soon be completed.

A new process for driveway permits is underway. When a homeowner applies for a building permit, with the approval letter they are sent info regarding a driveway permit. The 2006 Driveway Standard is implemented, with a Community Standards Bylaw officer inspection.

Montgomery Place poses challenges. The spring melt, water main breaks, property changes that impact on neighbours all contribute to the challenges. There are options to consider regarding how we would pay to bring about compliance.

Montgomery Place residents will have opportunities for input. A survey and public meeting are proposed for the fall of 2019.

Local Area Plan – Melissa Austin and Keith Folkersen reported that the upgrade of the cairn area in Montgomery Park will require a committee from Urban Design, Parks, Facilities and the community. We will need a standard design for the poppy motif since that is the symbol identified to represent the community. The placement of banners needs discussion.

The LAP planners also discussed property maintenance and nuisance abatement (outlined in the June-July 2019 MPCA newsletter), sound mitigation (sound levels will be reviewed again in 2023), neighbourhood safety (elms are scheduled to be trimmed in 2020). Nominations for the Municipal Heritage Award will be accepted this fall for the 2020 awards.