The Highway 7 Compost Depot at the end of 11th Street is open seven days a week from 9 am to 6 pm until the end of October, closing sooner if heavy snow falls before then.

Elm trees can be cut or pruned after August 31.

Applications for green carts can be made at

What’s been attacking our trees and plants this summer?
Forest tent caterpillars ate their way through the native aspen in our parks, as well as fruit and other trees in our yards. Ash trees have been under attack by ash leaf cone rollers, the ash plant bug and cottony ash psyllids. Dutch elm disease remains a concern. Lately we’re seeing many aphids which generally don’t do irreparable harm. Then there are also maple bugs (or box elder bugs) climbing the foundations on the sunny sides of our homes, after they’ve had their way on Manitoba maple and green ash trees. Leaf miners and spider mites have appeared, along with lily beetles in our flower gardens.
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