Home-Based Business Regulations – LAP Recommendation 5.1

By Holden Blue, Neighbourhood Planning, City of Saskatoon

The Montgomery Place Local Area Plan (LAP) was approved by City Council in November 2018. The LAP is the result of input from more than 200 neighbourhood residents and stakeholders, along with contributions from the City Administration. LAP’s contain short-medium, and long-term recommendations that result in neighbourhood improvements. The Montgomery Place LAP can be found at www.saskatoon.ca/lap

The LAP contains a recommendation to distribute current information on home-based business regulations to residents of Montgomery Place. The following information provides an outline of current home-based business regulations and information on who to contact to report a contravention.

The existing regulations for home-based businesses are intended to seek a balance between a quiet, safe and aesthetic residential environment and the aspirations of home-based entrepreneurs. Business activities which impact the residential characteristics of a neighborhood, and are more
appropriate in a commercial or industrial zoning district, are not permitted.

The following regulations apply to all home-based businesses in Saskatoon:

Employees, Client Visit and Deliveries:

  • Up to one non-resident employee may work at the home-based business; a paved off-street parking space must be provided.
  • No more than eight client or business related visits per day, and 40 per week can be made to home-based business.
  • Retail sales are not permitted at the Home-Based Business.

Business Activity and Storage:

  • All business activities must be conducted entirely indoors, including storage of business equipment and materials.
  • An attached garage or accessory building may be occupied by a home-based business, provided that the total area used does not exceed 40m2.
  • A maximum of 2.0 cubic metres of storage may be permitted within a dwelling and 4.0 cubic metres may be permitted in a garage, shed or other accessory building.
  • Outside storage of materials, goods and equipment is not permitted.
    Business Vehicles and Signs:
  • No more than one business related vehicle with a max weight of 8,000kg and a total length of no more than 6.0m may be stored on or in the vicinity of the site.
  • Signs advertising the home based business are not permitted on the property.

Further information, business license application forms and resources are available on our website at www.saskatoon.ca or at the Community Standards Division office, 3rd Floor, City Hall, 222-3rd Avenue North. If you have questions regarding business licensing, home-based business regulations, Zoning Bylaw requirements, or would like to report a contravention please contact our office: Business License Program, City Hall, 3rd Floor, 222 3rd Avenue North, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0J5, at Business.license@saskatoon.ca or 306.975.2645