The City of Saskatoon has partnered with the University of Waterloo (which is studying climate adaption) and the AET Group, and has the support of SGI and other organizations, to offer Home Flood Protection Assessments by the AET Group. The assessments are offered to Saskatoon residents for a subsidized fee of $125.

Participants receive a 50 point assessment of flood risks, with a visual inspection inside and outside the home. A package of information is supplied with tips for finding contractors for different remedial action and information on types of insurance coverage, including suggested questions to ask your insurance representative for your situation.

The inspectors provide details for homeowners to understand the different types of water damage risks. Water damage can be generated through plumbing, sewer back-up, ground water, water and sewer lines and overland water from large rain storms. During their assessment inside the home, tips are provided to minimize any damage to valuables.

I recently had the assessment completed at my residence and found the experience was worthwhile, as I gained a better understanding of what I could do to manage any risks of water damage at my house.

Anyone interested in more information or an assessment, can register at or phoning 1-877-876-9235.