Community Watch

Reporting Crime

It is up to us as members of the community to ensure our neighbourhood remains a safe place to live.

How to recognize suspicious behaviour

We become familiar with the people, vehicles and routines in our community, so we are best to be able to identify something suspicious. Police seldom come across crime in progress, so we need to report activities that may be suspicious. Don’t assume someone else has called police.

Watch for:

-strange vehicles parked in a neighbour’s driveway at a time your neighbour is usually at work; or
-something not right such as a pet outside the fence and you know the pet is usually indoors; or a door swinging open etc.


Determine if you need police response, if so phone. If not report to your Community Watch Co-ordinator who can provide the information to the Police Liaison Officer and work with the police on the problem.


Obtain and report as much detail as possible.
• Time and date
• Location [provide direction and landmarks]
• What is direction of travel
• Vehicle description [and licence if possible] dirty/ clean, old, rusty, make/model, color and number of occupants
• Description of individual(s) and their clothing

If you see a crime in progress call 9-1-1, to report a crime that is not an emergency call 975-8300.

If you are concerned about problems in the neighbourhood, call the Community Watch Co-ordinator, Heather Chapman at 978-0494.