Local Area Plan Update
Submitted by Mark Emmons, City of Saskatoon Planning and Development
Thank you to everyone who came out to the very well-attended public open house on June 19. The open house had representatives from many City of Saskatoon departments who helped present the proposed Montgomery Place LAP recommendations. These recommendations are the action items that will result in local improvements, which will be implemented over the short-, medium-, and long-term. The feedback received at the open house and in the weeks following the event has been very useful and constructive.
Neighbourhood Planning is now working to incorporate your comments as we edit and compile the report. The final report will be presented to City Council for adoption later this year. Watch for more details about the final steps of creating the Montgomery Place LAP in upcoming editions of the Montgomery Place Community Association newsletter.
For more information about the Montgomery Place LAP, go to www.saskatoon.ca/lap. Thank you to the Montgomery Place community for your continued support.
Keith Folkersen, Senior Planner
306-986-1690 keith.folkersen@saskatoon.ca