January 22, 2020
Circle Drive Functional Plan – Laurier Drive to Clancy Drive
Justen McArthur, CIMA Canada
Justen McArthur, CIMA Canada, sent this update on the Circle Drive Functional Plan.
The City of Saskatoon is working with CIMA Canada Inc. to complete a long-term plan for Circle Drive West between Clancy Drive and Laurier Drive. The goals are to:
1. Achieve free-flow traffic by removing the traffic signals and left-hand exits and entries;
2. Retain current turning options and access at Clancy Drive and Laurier Drive;
3. Improve the function of the Circle Drive interchange at 22nd Street West; and
4. Improve the function of the intersection of 22nd Street and Confederation Drive.
...We have prepared a Public Engagement Report... posted on the City’s Engage page: www.saskatoon.ca/engage/circle-drive-west-functional-planning-study under “Related Documents”.
Since the June open house, the study team has been developing a range of alternatives for the Circle Drive Functional Plan. The alternatives are being reviewed and evaluated together with City staff and are currently being modelled and costed. This should lead to a preferred plan for the City’s consideration.
As indicated on the study webpage Saskatoon.ca/circledrivestudy our next open house is planned for January 22, 2020, 4-7 pm at the Shaw Centre, 122 Bowlt Crescent. At this open house, alternatives and the preferred plan will be on display for review and comment. If you visit the study webpage you may e-mail Justen.McArthur@cima.ca for updates about the project.
If you have any questions regarding the project please feel free to contact me – Justen McArthur, Associate Partner, Senior Project Manager, Transportation, CIMA Inc. Telephone 306-653-2462 ext. 7902 4th Floor–333 3rd Avenue North, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2M2.
As noted in the study title, the 11th Street intersection is not a part of this project. See the map at: www.saskatoon.ca/sites/default/files/documents/circle_drive_functional_plan_-_study_area.pdf However, Circle Drive South is a common travel route for most Montgomery Place residents and future construction will have an impact.
Attend the Open House at Shaw Centre on January 22, 2020, 4-7 pm.