Melissa Austin, LAP Project Lead, City of Saskatoon
Identified through the Local Area Planning (LAP) process, noise from surrounding uses was seen as a top concern from the neighbourhood. To assist with identifying potential noise mitigation recommendations for the final LAP document, a Noise Study is currently underway to determine if noise levels experienced from surrounding land uses are at acceptable levels.
Neighbourhood Planning hired an external Consultant to complete the Noise Study. The noise monitoring for the first phase of the Noise Study ran from October 25 through November 14. The Consultant conducted site-specific noise measurements at industrial sources surrounding the neighbourhood, as well as set-up noise monitoring equipment at multiple locations within the neighbourhood. A weather monitor was also set-up in close proximity, to obtain accurate weather conditions throughout the monitoring period.
The second phase of the Noise Study is expected to begin in spring 2017, once the Civic Operations Centre, south of the neighbourhood, is operational. Once noise monitoring is complete, the Consultant will review the noise data collected, to determine whether noise levels are greater than City target levels, and if so, identify mitigation options that may be considered for improvements, showing the anticipated noise level reduction associated with the options. As well, the Consultant will create a noise model for the neighbourhood area – showing the various average levels of noise throughout the neighbourhood, and where in the neighbourhood is most impacted by noise from the surrounding land uses.
Results of the overall Noise Study will be available once the second Phase is completed next year and included in the final LAP document. Neighbourhood Planning will continue to keep Montgomery Place residents informed throughout the Noise Study as any new information is available.
Questions/Comments? Please contact Melissa Austin, Senior Planner, City of Saskatoon: or 306-986-1695