Thank you Montgomery Place. Cold and snowy outside, heart-warming inside…

Thanks to everyone who attended the 2017 Remembrance Service in Montgomery Park, especially to the veterans who braved the snow. Thank you to the families who brought their parents to the park, and those who brought their young children. Sincere thanks to everyone who participated and made the Remembrance Service possible, especially to Korean War vet Don Leier who began the service in 1996.

Sherri Benson, Danielle Chartier and Hilary Gough generously shared their time here, along with members of the 38 Signal Regiment 4 Squadron. MP resident Sheri Buckle led us in O Canada and God Save the Queen as she has done since 2013. Thank you to Frank Harrington and his trumpet, stepping in for Lesley Tyler this year. Barb Biddle read the Act of Remembrance with feeling and compassion. Arnold Mainland, whose family was among the first to move to Montgomery Place in 1946, laid the wreath on behalf of Montgomery Place veterans. Thank you to the other wreath-layers – Sherri Benson (Canadian veterans), Danielle Chartier (Saskatchewan veterans), Don Leier (Korean War veterans), John Bradley (Peacekeepers), Lee Jones (Protective Services), John Crawford (Project Ploughshares), members of the Scouts (children affected by war) and the 38 Signal Regiment 4 Squadron. Jim Earle and Jim McAllister shovelled snow away from the cairn. Jim Earle and Leslee Newman organized the service.

Thank you to the congregation of St. David’s Trinity United Church for giving the community a place to gather after the service, and for cleaning up after we left! Special thanks to Wendy and Katie Rosen, Gwen Will and Finlay MacKenzie for restoring the church to ship-shape. Rev. Bill Unger helped in many ways, including delivering the benediction and formatting the presentation of Montgomery Place veterans photos that showed after the service in the church. Thanks to Gwen Will and Leslee Newman for gathering the first batch of photos. If your family was missed, please email or to share your photos.

“There’s not a bad cookie on this table” someone remarked. The faithful cookie crew of Barb McAllister outdid themselves as always. In addition to Barb, the crew included Jackie Casey, Barb McCullough, Nina Blandford, Pat Elliott, Amber Antymniuk, Laurie Parker, Lani Marinier, Bernie Rodych, Kathy Sproxton, Andrianna Antymniuk, Heather Chapman, Denise Paquin, Corinne Griffin, Trish Schmidt and Wendy Rosen.

After 21 years, this meaningful Remembrance Service has become an integral part of life and living in Montgomery Place.