Burma Road – Residents have complained of dust coming off Burma Road into Cassino Avenue properties. Hilary has alerted CN. Last year they responded with sweeping and spraying the road. She hopes for a similar response this spring.

Drainage – The slow melt this spring is helping drainage in most areas. There are issues at many spots where alleys meet roadways. The corner of Caen Street and Dundonald Avenue is a problem, as it is every year, including where the alley between 11th Street and Caen meets Dundonald. City crews are keeping an eye on it.

Right-of-way Compliance – Hilary is meeting with City staff regarding the lack of enforcement of City bylaws regarding driveway, ditch and culvert right-of-way compliance. There are homeowners in Montgomery Place who have not complied with regulations for culverts and ditches and who have not obtained permits for driveways.

Trains – A Rail Relocation Study looked at the costs of relocating rail lines outside the City or having grade separation at all nine at-grade crossings. The study looked at the cost of the options and did not address safety concerns for emergency access.
The Study can be read at: https://apps2.saskatoon.ca/tpapp/eamm_public/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=49672. The human impact of delays at these nine crossings includes late appointments and schedule delays for the proposed Bus Rapid Transit. In Montgomery Place, the impact can be health and safety emergencies. Planned technological improvements like billboards announcing imminent trains may ease some waits.

Town Hall – Hilary invited everyone to a Town Hall Meeting at Station 20 West on Thursday, May 24. A free supper will be available at 6 pm; the meeting will begin at 7 pm. Mayor Charlie Clark will attend.