Every use of a fire pit is subject to the following conditions:

  • Fire must be contained within a non-combustible fire box constructed of material such as cement, brick or metal and covered with a heavy gauge metal screen. SFD recommends that fire pits be situated at least three metres from any combustible materials (ie. fences or buildings).
  • The size of the fire box of any outdoor burning facility shall not exceed .61 cubic metres.
  • Only cut, seasoned wood or charcoal shall be used to fuel outdoor fires. Burning tree branches and garden refuse in a fire pit is not permitted.
  • All outdoor fires shall have responsible supervision at all times.
  • Always have a source of water nearby to extinguish once you are done.
  • No person shall light an outdoor fire when the weather conditions are conducive to creating a running fire or allowing the smoke from the fire to be a nuisance to another person (smoke drift).
  • If smoke from an open-air fire causes an unreasonable interference with the use and enjoyment of another person’s property, the fire shall be extinguished immediately.

The following items are not permitted to be burned in fire pits within Saskatoon city limits:

  • Rubbish
  • Garden refuse
  • Manure, livestock or animal carcasses
  • Any material that is classified as a dangerous good
  • Any material that will create dense black smoke when burned
  • Any material that will create a foul odour when burned.

The use of fire pits in Saskatoon is regulated by Fire and Protective Services Bylaw No. 7990. Please note: SFD will extinguish any fires that do not comply with the Bylaw.

Residents who would like to report a fire or fire pit should call 306-975-3030.