City of Saskatoon officials and staff are looking for ways to divert garbage and extend the life of the landfill.
we read:

“Saskatoon is reviewing curbside waste collection. The review includes garbage and recycling collections, how garbage is paid for, a city-wide organics collection program, and more.

…The City is currently in the process of the Curbside Collections Redesign, part of rethinking how Saskatoon manages waste and an important step in reaching 70% waste diversion by 2023. It will include a review of the current containers and collection frequency for garbage and recycling, development of a variable rate waste utility, introduction of residential city-wide (mandatory) composting program, and evaluation of depots and other waste services.

There is a significant opportunity with curbside collections to increase waste diversion. The City’s Waste Characterization Study found that the average household set out 15.6 kg of garbage each week in 2016 and that 77% of that waste could be diverted through recycling and composting with additional or enhanced programs.”

There are many ways to share your thoughts. Complete an online survey before March 4 at Attend one of two workshops on March 1 in the lobby of St. Martin’s United Church. For a workshop focussed on people with disabilities and seniors, attend March 6 at the Saskatoon Fieldhouse. Finally, the City plans to invite a random selection of residents to an interactive half-day workshop sometime in April to discuss the engagement results and proposed recommendations. Let your opinions be heard.