Sincere thanks to all of you who helped make the Montgomery Place 70th Anniversary weekend memorable. To students, staff and parents at Montgomery School and St. Dominic School – thank you. To the folks of St. David’s Trinity United Church – thank you. To the Scouts – thank you, the fried onions on those hamburgers were the best. Community volunteers who set up chairs and took them down, made sure the technical stuff worked, gave us a fireworks show, who baked goodies and served coffee, who brought out their vintage cars, who gave buggy rides and organized activities for kids, who called and invited vets and original residents, who showed fashions through the decades, who came out and supported the activities – give yourselves a pat on the back. It was a weekend to make new Montgomery memories and to remember Montgomery Place memories from the past. Special thanks to the original residents, many in their 90s, who came to enjoy our Montgomery Place celebration of 70 years of community.
Sincere thanks to all who helped make the Montgomery Place 70th Anniversary weekend memorable.
by MPCA | Sep 20, 2016 | Community News | 0 comments