The Montgomery Place Community Association (MPCA) met on April 2, 2019. Neighbourhood activities of note include:

Saskatoon Food Bank Drive – Thursday May 2 from 3:30-6 pm their truck will be parked in Montgomery Park near the Rec building to accept donations. Saskatoon’s Food Bank serves 17,000 people, half of whom are children. Another option is to host a food barrel in your yard on May 4. By May 1, call Deb at 306-664-6565, ex 231, to request a barrel to be delivered.

Community Garage Sale Day – We anticipate another successful first Saturday of May community-wide garage sale. It seems people from all corners want in on the success of our neighbourhood garage sales. Call Community Living 306-477-2171 for pick-up of your unsold clothing and small household donations in support people with intellectual disabilities.

Jane’s Walk – Thanks to MPCA President Barb Biddle and everyone who plan to attend Jane’s Walk around Montgomery Place on May 5.

Community Watch – Safety – MPCA Community Watch Coordinator Heather Chapman is organizing an evening to showcase safety initiatives for Montgomery Place on Wednesday, May 8, 7-9 pm in the Montgomery School gym. Click here for more info.

Community Watch – Join our group at

Speed Board – Have you discovered where our digital speed board has been installed?

Soccer – Thank you to all the volunteers who are coaching a soccer team this spring. To all coaches and players have fun and we look forward to seeing you play on the field in Montgomery. Watch our community Facebook for practice and game times. For questions, contact Tim Hamilton at

MPCA Facebook – Find community news at

Local Area Plan – Thanks to City Planners who have been working on recommendations.

Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area – Concerned Saskatoon resident Julia Adamson has been working to establish a non-profit group to support this urban forest south of the Chappell Yards. See the report here.

Pedestrian Safety – Montgomery Place walkers, runners and bikers – stay on the side of the road facing traffic and dress to be seen.

Pets – If your dogs are outside and barking non-stop, take them inside. NO area of Montgomery Place is off-leash, so keep your pets leashed – cats as well as dogs. Pick up after your pets. Remember that pets cannot be tethered near any play areas in our parks.

Trains – Traffic delays from trains remain an issue. At least twice in the past months, both 11th Street and Fairlight Drive exits were blocked by trains at the same time.

Montgomery School – Thanks to Barb Biddle who spoke to the Grade 3 class on April 2 about early Montgomery Place. We hosted another successful Talent Show on April 17. We are so proud of our talented students. On May 3 our Grade 3/4-8 students will be remembering the 75th Anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy. This event is organized by Veterans Affairs Canada. May 15 will see us practicing our skills at the kick off for the ‘Jump Rope for Heart’ fundraising campaign. Our aim is to raise $6000 this year. No school May 17 and May 20.

St. Dominic School – No school May 17 and May 20.

Next MPCA Meeting – Tuesday, May 7, 2019 – 7 pm in Montgomery School Library.