The summer has been a busy one. Although the MPCA did not meet, there were many conversations, phone calls and emails exchanged over the summer.
Indoor Program Registration – Registration for fall programs is Wednesday evening, September 16 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm in the St. Dominic School Gym. See the listing of programs on here. New this year, the CN Curling Club will be joining us with a table set up to promote winter curling programs.
Local Area Plan (LAP) – The Local Area Plan process for Montgomery Place was launched in May 2015. Through our community meetings, neighbourhood stakeholders will develop a long-term plan for Montgomery Place. This plan will create a vision, identify goals, and develop recommendations to achieve the vision and goals. Our next meeting will be held:
Thursday, September 17 at 7:00PM – St. Dominic School Gym. The topics for this meeting will be: Finalizing the neighbourhood vision; Montgomery Place Neighbourhood Boundary; and South West Sector Plan. Everyone is welcome to attend. For more information, contact:
Konrad Andre, Senior Planner, Neighbourhood Planning Section, City of Saskatoon
Phone: (306) 975-3465 Website:
New Look for MPCA Website – Thanks to Communications Director Katie Rosen, the Montgomery Place website has a new look. It’s bright and fresh and easy to use. We hope you’ll all visit We’re looking for photos and anything else you might have to enhance the History section. Were you in Montgomery Place in 1975? 1985? 1995? 2005? Send us photos of Montgomery Place through the decades, noting the year, identifying any people and exactly where the photo was taken. Have you photos of Montgomery Park when there was no hill? Did anyone you know take photos when the roads went from gravel to asphalt in 1978? Do you have photos of building your house?
Email photos to us using the Contact Form or drop off originals in the mailbox at 3303 Caen St. We can scan and return them to you or archive them if no longer wanted.
Rink Committee – The committee formed to oversee the 2016 refurbishment of the rink in Montgomery Park met in July to discuss its action plan. Funding sources are being investigated. The best surface on which to make ice is being looked into. Is it time to take out the asphalt? The question of a larger honorarium for the Rink Coordinator is under serious consideration. The responsibilities of the Coordinator go well beyond typical volunteer work. The MPCA is looking for a Rink Coordinator for the upcoming 2015-16 season.
Civic Operations Centre – In mid-August the MPCA was contacted to inform our community that the Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) of the 8-acre snow melt pad at the Civic Operations Centre on Valley Road would begin and carry on for the next 40 days from 6 pm to 5 am. Similar to asphalt paving, RCC is a special type of concrete that will be mixed on site. Call the project hotline at 1-866-206-5640 with your questions or concerns.
Posties and Posies – The union representing Canada’s postal workers has a summer initiative to recognize beautiful yards. Some Montgomery homes have been nominated.
See more at
Summer Roadwork – Work began on Cassino Ave., Mountbatten St. and Ortona St.
City-Wide Swap Meet – The City of Saskatoon is trying a city-wide swap meet from 7 am to 6 pm on Saturday September 12. Place any usable items that you no longer want or need at the end of your driveway for others in need to pick up.
Next Meeting – Join us at the next MPCA meeting on Tuesday, September 8, 2015 in the Montgomery School Library.