The Montgomery Place Community Association (MPCA) met on December 4, 2018. Neighbourhood activities of note include:

Community Rink in Montgomery Park – The Rec Building will be open Friday nights from 6-9 pm when the weather is warmer than -25 degrees Celsius. The building will also be open Saturday and Sunday, 1-4 pm each day.

Indoor Programs – Registration is 6:30-8 pm in the St. Dominic School gym on Wednesday, January 9, 2019. Email Click here for the list of winter classes. Note that the kids’ art class has moved from Wednesdays to Mondays, same time. New this session, Chair Yoga is a gentle form of yoga that is practised sitting on a chair or standing using a chair for support. FREE Demo Class – Jan 8, 2-3 pm at St David’s Trinity Church.

Speed Board – The speed board purchased by the MPCA will be taken down and stored over winter by the City of Saskatoon. Many locations for its installation in Spring 2019 were suggested. Speeding on our roads remains a concern for many residents.

Community Watch –Join our Community Watch Facebook group to help prevent crime and keep our neighbourhood safe:

MPCA Facebook – Find community news at .

Discretionary Use Application – Regarding the Saskatoon Tribal Council’s request for Discretionary Use of the home at 3427 11th Street West, a Community Engagement Summary was delivered to all homes in Montgomery Place in early December 2018. City of Saskatoon Planning and Development completed its report for the Municipal Planning Commission. The report will go to Council on January 28. The report is available online, pages 4-8 of the Public Agenda for the Municipal Planning Commission at .

Meeting of Community Associations – MPCA President Barb Biddle attended a meeting of westside community associations on December 5, 2018 About 25 people attended from other neighbourhood CAs, including Mount Royal, Meadowgreen, Holiday Park, Riversdale, Hampton Village, King George and Westview. Barb reported it was a good exchange of ideas and the consensus was that more meetings should follow.

Community Consultant – Shane Carter reported on progress made on the issues reported at the November MPCA meeting. The ice problem on the Rec Building in Montgomery Park has been resolved. City crews attached a snow guard on the roof above the entrance to the building which will help to prevent snow falling in front of the door. A bollard was removed at the west central entrance to Gougeon Park to facilitate accessibility. A culvert at the east central entrance to Gougeon Park was landscaped to promote more efficient water flow.

Montgomery School – Welcome back Monday, Jan. 7, 2019. Kindergarten Information Evening is Jan.14 at 7 pm in the Library. Jan. 23 – Saskatoon Public Schools Collegiate Information Session for Grade 8 students and parents – 7 pm at Tommy Douglas Collegiate. No school Jan. 28.

St. Dominic School – Welcome back on Jan. 7, 2019. Kindergarten Open House is Jan. 22 at 6:30 pm. No school Jan. 28. Family Bingo Jan. 31. We are missing a hockey net. Please call the school if you know its whereabouts – 306-659-7290.

Next MPCA Meeting – Tuesday, January 8, 2019 – 7 pm in Montgomery School. *Please note this is the second Tuesday of the month because of the New Year’s holiday.