The Montgomery Place Community Association (MPCA) met on February 5, 2019. Neighbourhood activities of note include:
Winter Fun in Montgomery Park – Thanks to everyone who came out to skate and slide on February 17. The cold weather abated long enough for the day to be enjoyed by all.
Community Rink in Montgomery Park – The Rec Building will be open Friday nights from 6-9 pm when the weather is warmer than -25 degrees Celsius. The building will also be open Saturday and Sunday, 1-4 pm. Thanks to all the community volunteers, Jim McAllister, and Ashton for keeping the rinks shovelled.
Learn To Skate – There will be free skating lessons at the rink in Montgomery Park on Sundays from 10:30 am to 1 pm from February 9 to March 9 for kids 2-12 years old. A child under six must be accompanied by an adult. Participants must bring their own skates and approved winter helmets. Call 306-975-3378 with questions.
MPCA Secretary – Welcome to Stacey Hamilton our new MPCA Secretary for this year.
Indoor Programs – MPCA is offering the Red Cross Stay Safe Course which offers basic first aid and safety skills for youth 9-13 years old – April 30 and May 1, from 6:15-9 pm in the Montgomery School Library. Cost is $40. Register at
Soccer – Tim Hamilton and another parent have stepped forward to coordinate outdoor soccer in Montgomery Place. No registration date has been set; stay tuned to the MPCA Facebook page.
Community Watch – MPCA member-at-large Doug Siemens recommended that the MPCA plan a Community Safety Week, when all manner of safety issues could be addressed – from bicycle safety to crime. Heather Chapman is investigating the idea. Join our Community Watch Facebook group
MPCA Facebook – Find additional community news at
Discretionary Use – Councillor Gough was asked about the preschool approved for 11th Street. She explained that the information requested from the community could have been communicated better to residents and should have focussed on the impact on the community of heightened activity in one home. Based on the City’s technical analysis, there were no impediments to granting the Discretionary Use application. Councillor Gough summed up, saying “If I felt the impact [of the preschool] would be substantial and unreasonable, I would not have voted in favour.”
City Councillor – At the request of Barb Biddle, Hilary Gough met with Fire Chief Hackl regarding neighbourhood safety in the event of disasters and emergencies, primarily associated with rail traffic. There is a Rail Safety Working Group in Saskatoon. When lights and arms at a rail intersection fail, call 1-800-465-9239, or call the City Police non-emergency number 306-975-8300, and also report the malfunction to Hilary Gough at 306-717-4533.
Community Consultant – The Green Cart program is open for registration and renewal for 2019. Early bird deadline is April 30. City Leisure Guides are being discontinued.
Montgomery School – No school March 11 & 22. Three-way conferences March 21-22.
St. Dominic School – Welcome to our new School Liaison – Melanie Lynchuk. No school March 11 & 25. Three-way conferences March 21 & March 22 am. No school March 22 pm.
Next MPCA Meeting – Tuesday, March 5, 2019 – 7 pm in Montgomery School Library.