The MPCA meeting was held in the Montgomery School Library on February 10, 2015.

Family Fun Night – Mark your calendar for Sat, Feb. 28 from 4-6 pm in Montgomery Park. Conquer winter by embracing it! Bring your skates, toboggans and sleds, kids and family to Montgomery Park. Meet friends and neighbours for some community fun.

Montgomery Park Rinks – Although rink lights were turned off to preserve the ice surface during the warm spell in January, they’re back on every night until 10:30 pm. Supervised ice times are Thursday and Friday 6-8 pm, and Saturday and Sunday 1-4 pm.

Roadways – Despite barriers put up by the City, the cul-de-sac at the east end of the original 11th St. continues to attract those who illegally make their own roadway over the curb and directly into the 11th St.-Dundonald Ave. intersection. City barriers have been moved or trashed. City rep Karen Farmer will report to City staff. MPCA Vice President Ben Schmidt continues to research portable speed signs and will report again at the March MPCA meeting.

Community Watch – The off-leash dog park south of Montgomery Place has suffered again as its sign was shot out, this time with a high intensity weapon. Saskatoon Police are investigating, since bullets from high calibre firearms can travel great distances. Cassino Ave. residents could be at risk.

Local Area Plan – Thanks to Councillor Pat Lorje, the LAP process has been moved forward.

Traffic Study – MP traffic will be studied soon.

Civic Operations Centre – EllisDon, a partner in the City of Saskatoon’s Civic Operations Centre (COC) development south of Montgomery Place has offered regular construction updates. Check and our Facebook site for EllisDon updates.

North Ridge 3200 block 11th Street Parcel – North Ridge is hoping Montgomery Place residents will help name its new development on the north side of 11th St. W. As Seymour Developments named Cypress Gardens in the 3100 block, North Ridge would like a name for its project.

Montgomery School – Plans are underway to develop an outdoor learning space. Our Book Drive netted 252 books for the school! On March 27 we’ll have a Mathathon to raise funds for new technology in the school. A Week of Science Excellence is scheduled for April 20-24. If any MP residents work in science, please consider talking with our students. Call Principal Miranda Lowe at 306-683-7370.

St. Dominic School – During Lent, the school will be collecting bags of sugar for the Food Bank. Drop off your donation at the school if you’d like to participate. A huge thanks to Rod and Dion Brick for their excellent care of the St. Dominic rink. At their Pyjama Day, our Grade 2-3s collected $700 for the Children’s Hospital. Watch for our Dessert Theatre on April 29 where you’ll enjoy a comedy called “Goldilocks on Trial.”

City of Saskatoon – City rep Karen Farmer encouraged everyone to visit the new City website at . Comment on the City’s growth plan to half a million people at from February 25 to March 18, or attend the discussions on March 3 at TCU Place, from noon to 2 pm or from 6-8 pm. And on the perennial complaint of kids urinating on the west door of the Rec Building in Montgomery Park, plans are underway at the City to install a new door, flush with the west wall, so that no hidden alcove exists.

Next Meeting – Tues, Mar. 10, 2015 at 7 pm – Montgomery School Library. All are welcome.