The Montgomery Place Community Association (MPCA) met on January 8, 2019. Neighbourhood activities of note include:
Winter Fun in the Park – Come out on February 17 from 1-4 pm in Montgomery Park to skate, slide and have fun with family, neighbours and friends to celebrate Heritage Day.
Community Rink in Montgomery Park – The Rec Building will be open Friday nights from 6-9 pm when the weather is warmer than -25 degrees Celsius. The building will also be open Saturday and Sunday, 1-4 pm. Jim McAllister, community volunteer Rink Coordinator, has left out a couple of snow scrapers. Thanks to everyone who has helped keep the ice clear.
Learn To Skate – There will be free skating lessons at the rink in Montgomery Park on Sundays from 10:30 am to 1 pm from February 9 to March 9 for kids 2-12 years old. A child under six must be accompanied by an adult. Participants must bring their own skates and approved winter helmets. Call 306-975-3378 with questions.
Indoor Programs – Thank you to everyone who came out to our registration evening on January 9. We have had to cancel two classes because of low registration numbers: Cardio, Strength & Balance (Friday) and youth basketball. Email
Pedestrian Safety – A reminder to all Montgomery Place walkers, runners and bikers – stay on the side of the road facing traffic and dress to be seen. At dusk, dark, and dawn – pedestrians are nearly invisible to drivers, so please wear reflective clothing or carry lights, and keep to the side of the roadway. It’s our responsibility as pedestrians to be easily seen.
Barking Dogs – If your pets are outside constantly and barking non-stop, you are not acting as a responsible dog owner. Consider your neighbours. Some people work shifts and sleep during the day. Please get your dogs under control, or take them inside. The City has announced new, less onerous reporting for complaints of constantly barking dogs.
Community Watch – Unfortunately, suspicious activity has been on the increase at the west end of Montgomery Place. There was a drug bust in the 3500 block of 11th St. in December and an increase in non-resident traffic has been noted in the area. As well, the theft of a vehicle in early morning on Haida Avenue was reported on the Community Watch Facebook group. Apparently it takes only a few unwatched seconds for thieves to act. The increase in crime witnessed in Montgomery Place in the last few years reflects a similar increase city-wide and is tied directly to an increased drug problem. Join our Community Watch Facebook group
MPCA Facebook – Find community news at Facebook friends from near and far continue to enjoy the heritage photos that are posted.
City Councillor – Hilary reported that recommendations regarding the Saskatoon Tribal Council’s request for Discretionary Use of the home at 3427 11th St. W were heard at Council on January 28. There was an Open House for the Growing Forward plan on January 31.
Community Consultant – Shane Carter reported that the City has added an interactive map on its website of community rinks. Visit Call the Cosmo Civic Centre at 306-975-3378 for information on free February Break camps. Register online at for fencing, floorball, Métis jigging, ultimate Frisbee, soccer or baseball.
Montgomery School – No school February 18-22.
St. Dominic School – No school February 18-22.
Next MPCA Meeting – Tuesday, February 5, 2019 – 7 pm in Montgomery School Library.