The Montgomery Place Community Association (MPCA) met on March 5, 2019. Neighbourhood activities of note include:
May 4 is Community Garage Sale Day – Get ready for the first Saturday of May!
Jane’s Walk – MPCA President Barb Biddle will lead a community walk on May 5. Meet at the front door of Montgomery School at 1 pm for this hour-long tour of our neighbourhood. “Jane’s Walks are free, volunteer-led walking conversations inspired by Jane Jacobs (1916-2006), an urban activist who championed the voices of everyday people in neighbourhood planning and city-building.”
Community Rink in Montgomery Park – Warm weather meant the end of the rink and pond. Thanks to all the community volunteers, Jim McAllister, and Ashton for all their work.
Building Guidelines – A brochure was prepared with suggestions for sensitive home renovations and builds that respect the history and character of our Montgomery Place neighbourhood. See it online at
Indoor Programs – MPCA is offering the Red Cross Stay Safe Course which offers basic first aid and safety skills for youth 9-13 years old. Participants learn about being safe when they are without the direct supervision of a parent, guardian, or trusted adult, both at home and in their communities. April 30 and May 1, from 6:15-9 pm in the Montgomery School Library. Cost is $40. Register at
Soccer – Community rep Tim Hamilton reports that soccer registration is now closed. Thank you to all who registered their child to play soccer in Montgomery this spring. You will hear more information about your team and coach in early April.
Train Ahead When Flashing – Warning lights have been installed on 11th Street west of Avenue W, on the 11th Street Bypass west of Lancaster Boulevard, and on Circle Drive north of Clancy Drive – to alert people heading to or from Montgomery Place that a train is crossing the intersection at 11th Street and Dundonald Avenue. Train traffic hold-ups and delays remain a perennial issue here.
Community Watch – Safety – MPCA Community Watch Coordinator Heather Chapman is organizing an evening to showcase safety initiatives for Montgomery Place on Wednesday, May 8, 7-9 pm in the Montgomery School gym. Check our Facebook page for more details.
Community Watch – Join our group at
MPCA Facebook – Find community news at
Pedestrian Safety – Montgomery Place walkers, runners and bikers – stay on the side of the road facing traffic and dress to be seen. In dim light pedestrians are nearly invisible to drivers, so please wear reflective clothing or carry lights, and keep to the side of the roadway.
Pets – If your dogs are outside and barking non-stop, take them inside. NO area of Montgomery Place is off-leash, so keep your pets leashed – cats as well as dogs. Pick up after your pets. The spring melt reveals the ugly truth of owners who fail to pick up poop – it is NOT fertilizer. Remember that pets cannot be tethered near any play areas in our parks.
City Councillor – Councillor Hilary Gough reported that sidewalks along 11th Street between Avenue P and Dawes Avenue are scheduled for repair.
Montgomery School – No school April 19-26 for Easter Break.
St. Dominic School – No school April 19-26 for Easter Break.
Next MPCA Meeting – Tuesday, April 2, 2019 – 7 pm in Montgomery School Library.