The Montgomery Place Community Association (MPCA) met on May 1 for its regular meeting. Discussion at the meeting included:
Food Bank Drive – The drop-off in Montgomery Park on May 3 doubled our community donation from last year’s drive. Hurrah for MP residents who donated.
Garage Sale – Shoppers were out in full force for the annual community Garage Sale. If you left give-away items at the end of your driveway, make sure you dispose of them promptly.
National Historic Site – The plaque will soon be installed in Montgomery Park.
Roads – Montgomery Place streets are scheduled for a street-cleaning on June 10. The pre-sweep before the Garage Sale was appreciated. Flyers were distributed to homes in the 3200 and 3300 blocks of Caen Street, and the 3300 and 3400 blocks of Dieppe Street advising residents of upcoming water and sewer maintenance on these blocks.
Paddling Pool in Montgomery Park – The pool opens on July 3.
Community Watch – MPCA Community Watch Coordinator Heather Chapman is hoping to encourage more community participation and reporting of suspicious activity. Heather attended a community information session at the police station where she learned there is a big meth problem in the city. This means increases in thefts from vehicles and property as thieves need money for drugs. It’s a shame, but we’re advised to lock up everything in our own yards. It seems there has been a rash of vehicle, garage and yard break-ins and thefts recently. See Heather’s report here.
Speed Board – New speed board will be coming soon. Please respect the 40 kph speed limit.
Indoor Programs – Register for summer yoga and exercise classes or suggest ideas for new programs at
MPCA Facebook – Find community news at
City of Saskatoon – Welcome back Elan Ballantyne as our City Consultant. Call her at 306-975-3380 or email Black knot fungus on trees in our parks, and deadfall in the aspen bush in Montgomery Park, remain concerns for MP residents. Thank you to the City crew who installed new dog reminder signs in our parks.
Trains – Recent increased traffic at the Viterra terminal has meant longer wait times for MP residents. Why must they STOP in the intersection? There was one report of failure of the safety arms to come down as two engines came from the elevator.
Montgomery School – June 14 is Kindergarten to Grade 4 Play Day. Grade 8 Farewell June 21. Science Trek Farewell June 25. June 27 – Last day of school for students.
St. Dominic School – Track meet June 5. No school June 11. Yearend Mass June 20. Kindergarten and Grade 8 Farewells June 26. Last day of school is June 28.
Parking Around Schools – A challenge for homeowners near schools, no satisfactory solution is in sight.
Next MPCA Meeting – Tues. June 5, 7 pm in Montgomery School. All residents welcome.