The Montgomery Place Community Association (MPCA) met on May 7, 2019. Neighbourhood activities of note include:
Montgomery Park Paddling Pool – The pool opens Tuesday July 2 until August 23, rain or shine. Hours from Monday to Thursday are 10:30 am to 6 pm. Friday hours are 12 noon to 4:30 pm. Saturday and Sunday weekends from July 6 to August 18, the hours are 12 noon to 5 pm. August 5 holiday Monday, will open noon to 5 pm. The City policy for preschool children in parks and pools is that “For every two preschoolers age five and under, there must be one adult …within arm’s length, supervising the preschooler’s water play and activity.”
Community Garage Sale Day – Despite a cool, windy day, May 4 was another success with the Facebook event page reaching 94,200 people, and over 10,000 visitors to our website.
Community Watch – Safety – Thank you to MPCA Community Watch Coordinator Heather Chapman who organized an evening to showcase safety initiatives on Wednesday, May 8. See Heather’s report here. Join our group at
Firepits – City Bylaw No. 9484 prohibits open-air fires outside the hours of 2-11 pm daily. Electric, propane, and natural gas appliances used properly are not considered open-air.
MPCA Website – Thank you to MPCA Communications Director Katie Rosen who is currently working on updating and redesigning our website ( to make it easier to navigate and allow us to add additional photos, content and features.
MPCA Facebook – Find community news at .
Roads – A reminder that City bylaws prohibit ATVs, golf carts, go-carts and other similar vehicles on City roads, alleys and ditches. This includes all parks and the south berm.
Pedestrian Safety – Montgomery Place walkers, runners and bikers – stay on the side of the road facing traffic and dress to be seen.
Soccer – Soccer is underway. Contact Tim Hamilton at The MPCA will purchase new supplies as needed.
Rink in Montgomery Park – Jim McAllister reported plans for the rink this summer, including sealing the asphalt, perhaps painting the surface white, painting lines, and putting up new basketball nets. Damage by vandals will be repaired.
Pets – Reminder: There are NO off-leash areas in Montgomery Place. Pets cannot be tethered near any play areas in our parks. Help keep our neighbourhood clean; pick up after your pets!
Trains – A perpetual issue, causing traffic delays and isolation from emergency services.
Local Area Plan – See the Property Maintenance report from LAP City Planners here.
City Councillor Hilary Gough – Councillor Gough reported that she has brought together Montgomery Place residents affected by CN Intermodal traffic and CN officials to work towards solutions. She has also investigated reports of CN Police questioning residents accessing the Burma Road berm from the west.
Montgomery School – Congratulations to students at the Grade 8 Farewell on June 20 and the Science Trek Farewell on June 24. The last day of school is June 26. Enjoy your summer!
St. Dominic School – Congratulations Grade 8 graduates. The last day of school is June 26.
Next MPCA Meeting – Tuesday, June 4, 2019 – 7 pm in Montgomery School Library.