Warmest greetings of the season from your MPCA executive. The Montgomery Place Community Association met on November 12 to discuss:
Montgomery Park Rec Building – Barb Biddle and others met with officials in the Parks Department and Urban Forestry to discuss moving out the building door on the west flush with the wall and trimming the bushes that grow around the door. Safety regulations are being checked.
City of Saskatoon Infill Guidelines – Guidelines are progressing in stages: first the garden and garage suites, then the guidelines for one and two unit dwellings that are replacement houses or houses on vacant property. MPCA President Barb Biddle has registered her comments.
Civic Operations Centre – Phase one of the construction of the Civic Operations Centre (Saskatoon Transit Operations Facility and Snow Management Facility) south of Montgomery Place will begin in the spring of 2015 and be complete by the end of 2016. Plans include a berm along the east half of Montgomery’s southern border. This winter, to aid noise reduction, trucks will adhere to a no tailgate slamming rule. Also, a snow berm will be constructed to shield the noise. Call 306-975-2476 or email public.works@saskatoon.ca if you have comments to make.
Reporting Crime and Vandalism – Keeping our community safe is important. Watch out for your neighbours’ property as well as your own. Call 306-976-8300 to report a crime when you witness it or when you see suspicious behaviours, or to report if your home or vehicle has been broken into. Call 911 for all emergencies. You may choose to use online reporting for shed and out-building break-ins or vandalism at http://police.saskatoon.sk.ca/onlinereporting/
Montgomery School – Performances of the musical Once Upon A Dream sold-out. Thanks to Custodian Randy who bagged over 100 bags of leaves this fall. Thanks to all Remembrance Service participants who provided a heart-warming ceremony.
St. Dominic School – New policies ranging from nutrition to online guidelines have been put in place. A new library and book club has formed and the school is getting a fresh makeover to brighten the halls and classrooms.
City of Saskatoon – City rep Karen Farmer reported on a number of City initiatives including Growing Forward – Shaping Saskatoon. Visit www.shapingsaskatoon.ca A number of workshops for Community Associations are underway. A Rink Coordinator workshop on Dec. 13 is of particular interest since we are still searching for a Coordinator and Supervisor.
Next Meeting – Join us on Dec. 9, 7 pm in the Library of Montgomery School, when a special guest, Deidre Lavallee, Justice Program Coordinator for the Saskatoon Tribal Council, will join us to discuss Restorative Justice.