The first MPCA meeting after the summer recess was held on September 8.
Montgomery Park Rink – The committee formed to oversee the 2016 refurbishment of the rink in Montgomery Park met in September to plan. The MPCA is looking for a Rink Coordinator for the upcoming 2015-16 season.
Summer Roadwork – Resurfacing on Cassino, Mountbatten and Ortona Streets has been met with mixed reviews. Councillor Pat Lorje is pursuing this on behalf of Montgomery residents.
Trains – In August the Minister of Transport wrote to the MPCA advising that a municipal resolution was needed to lodge a complaint against rail operations. Barb Biddle shared this with Councillor Lorje and members of the civic committee on train traffic.
Circle Drive Landscaping – Thigh-high weeds in the embankments and ditches along Circle Drive and the 11th Street off-ramp have not impressed Montgomery residents. Complaints were made and finally the weeds were mowed.
11th Street Cul-de-Sac – The turnaround at the eastern end of the 3100 block 11th St. turned into an impromptu used car sales lot until complaints were made to Parking Enforcement.
School Zones – Concern continues over school zone parking during drop-off and pick-up.
LAP – The third Local Area Planning meeting was held on Sept. 17. The next LAP meeting is Oct. 20 at 7 pm at St. David’s Trinity United Church to discuss drainage, property maintenance, storage and home-based businesses. The next traffic meeting is scheduled for Dec. 8, at 7 pm in the St. Dominic School auditorium.
Civic Operations Centre – The third update from EllisDon was delivered by Canada Post in early September. Call the project hotline at 1-866-206-5640 with your questions. Along Dundonald Avenue, Hamm Construction worked to install a water main to the COC. Residents want to know if a Boil Water Advisory will be issued at the time of hook-up. Councillor Lorje will investigate. The water main work stalled work on the berm on the north side of the CN tracks. City Councillor Lorje is lobbying to have the berm built as high and long as possible, and if necessary, to have a sound wall built on top of the berm to help muffle some of the noise from the COC and the CN train operations. Berm construction is complicated by factors such as drainage and available space. Noise from constant trains may never be completely resolved.
Montgomery School – Montgomery welcomed 260 students in September. Thanks were extended to Barb Biddle who toured 30 teachers around Montgomery Place on Aug. 26. Montgomery School will be a polling station on Oct. 19.
St. Dominic School – St. Dominic welcomed 166 students with a Meet-the-Teacher event on Sept. 10. A fire was reported in the rink sometime over the summer. The school is investigating a new sign to promote events and special dates.
City of Saskatoon – 11th Street Corridor – Meetings about the 11th Street corridor got underway again on Sept. 15 at W.P. Bate School. The next meeting is Oct. 27 at St. John School.
Next Meeting – Join us at 7pm Tues. Oct. 13, 2015 in the Montgomery School Library for the regular MPCA meeting, followed by the Annual General Meeting at 7:30pm.