The Montgomery Drainage Improvement Project (“the Project”) is structured to be completed in three phases, from 2022 to 2026. The City completed Phase I in 2022 and anticipates completing Phase II by the end of October this year. Construction of Phase III is scheduled to commence in May 2025 and be completed by October 2026. The public engagement event for Phase III is tentatively scheduled for early in the new year. Please note that the scope of the work for Phase III may be reduced due to budget constraints. Please see the map below for your reference.
The City has not planned and funded any future phases of the Montgomery Drainage improvement project past Phase III. That said, there are future phases conceptualized. City administration are committed to re-engaging the community for discussion before bringing forward any future phases for construction funding and as noted, no funding is available at this time. The commitment regarding engagement is to ensure that as we consider future phases, we take a fresh opportunity to discuss some of the impacts of the project and to ensure that future phases balance all priorities in a way that is acceptable to community.
With regards to need, there do remain areas and segments of drainage in the community that are creating flooding issues. The City has mapped out all drainage channels in the community, and all of them are deficient in some way in terms of continuous and preferred grade, capacity, etc. That said, not all have the same priority for reconstruction as some are less able to handle the current and expected drainage than others. Priority is placed on projects/areas that can address more severe drainage issues and more severe deviation from a fully functional state.